“It’ll be June” I said.
I don’t know about you, but July 1st is basically June just 30 itty bitty days later.
*I was so close* ;D
HAPPY NEWS: JULY 1ST Rescued by an Alien is LIVE!!!! ♥♥♥
“It’ll be June” I said.
I don’t know about you, but July 1st is basically June just 30 itty bitty days later.
*I was so close* ;D
HAPPY NEWS: JULY 1ST Rescued by an Alien is LIVE!!!! ♥♥♥
Aww, good to see you’re up and running as an author! May Arokh, Zadeon and the pups all lick you thoroughly for telling their stories!
I read both, and am glad you’re staying to do more with the world you’ve built.
IMO, set yourself a little more flex-time and use the proofreader in Word (or Apache) – you’ll catch the small typos, and a final reread after you cool off from writing storyline (after 3 days or so) will let you catch the odd grammatical/structure boo-boo. I think the readers who get thrown off by your ‘voice’ are having some trouble with the unusual Dual-POV method. Worse, the MTV generation has the attention span of a gerbil on coffee 😀 when it comes to taking their time to *absorb* what they read, get in someone’s head …then the other guy’s head…and just enjoy the ride.
Me, I write in Third or First Person. Kudos for handling Dual Person POV so well!
Spooky how your Protagonists are ‘dragon’ men, as is mine, and we are writing around the same time in RL – though Kahlniseth (Kahl’) is a Winged Draco ET, a warrior-class Reptilian ala the UFO list of known aliens .
This bit is true: Dracos and common Reptilians, or ‘Lizzies’, are officially known sentient species that do bad things to People all across the galaxies they subjugate. But which the Government, also officially, does neither confirm nor deny. And unofficially, is rumored to be in DEEP doo-doo with, once the main fleet arrives HERE from Alpha Draconis.
This bit is fiction: My guy happens to be a defector who hooked up with the Andromeda Alliance, who strangely enough, shares many of the Rakhii behaviors in bed (!) …and gets involved with a Human female who’s been through her own Nine Hells, and needs healing.
I SWEAR we have been working on our stories alone. lol. Here we digress into my story, not yours.
Rest assured, Dracos don’t lick people … that’s all Rakhii! It’s very loveable. I hope you keep the brothers, or at least Arokh – as Protagonist through the series, as Anne McCaffrey did with hers, in her ‘Acorna’ series: Acorna and her mate Aari, are present in each independent book.
(If you want great handling of HEAVY topics that make Callie’s look like mere 12-step issues, then dive into those. Hint: child slavery is one issue, as is how we define ‘disability’) She gives a good upbeat ending, never ‘Grey’ areas that leave you unsatisfied. There’s humor as well.
IMO – the covers could use improvement. I’d have skipped both if I’d gone by the images.DO watch ‘Neverending Story’ and see Falkor the Luck Dragon. I imagine Arokh and family as an Anthro version much like him, sans white fur; add spines. If you could sketch this, or have a friend into digital art, it would be fairly easy to make a simple rendering that would embody your vision of the Protagonists. I’m sketching out my characters, ships, and Stargates, plus I use color printouts from Hubble Mission, or National Geographic (had a white Cen-Deer character – a Centaur-Deer, and YES deer DO come in WHITE!).
IDEA: I get that Zadeon is okay with deafness, he’s a noble warrior soul, after all, in a Rakhii body, with the self-sacrificing love of Dragonkind. BUT, it left me feeling ‘incomplete’ at the end of book 2, just to leave him crippled in such a way that he cannot sing for Callie or the kids anymore, and thus, won’t be able to sing along with her dancing. It’s a bittersweet ending for him, and for her, after they missed out on most of their lives already, from distance ,and then her ‘mentally missing’ status.
Did you know: SOME gifted souls DO try to keep dancing, and do, as long as they can still hear the BEAT? They cannot *compose* however. ‘Z’ needs his hearing restored.
Dohrein took interest, presumably with the Team, in ‘managing’ aggressive Rakhii with dance …and studied Zadeon as the first specimen. That substory could be developed. What if THAT was the reason he is singled out for medical care he would not ordinarily rate enough to receive: using him to develop dance, or even Rakhii ‘singing'(?) that will help his fellow frustrated gladiators? It would save lives all around, and save inconvenience and money for the Gryfalas. So it makes sense that one of them would approve it. (It’s also *fascinating*). Even the proudest of the Rakhii would respect him, because of his record. They wouldn’t listen to Hobs, whose Ring Creds are zilch! ‘Z’ would agree to the procedure to help others, if not for himself. Especially if it made Callie happy.
There’s also the chance that the Good Pirates would ‘recycle’ some technology that would give him hearing, too. Totally avoiding the planet politics.
So there ya go! Probably the longest fan comment yet …I must go, before my Draco swats me with the hard flat of his tail, and recounts all the reasons I should spend less time online, and MORE time with HIM. 🙂 See you at NANO?
Really loved both books! Keep em comin! Love Baskian already!
**happy cries** I am SO glad you loved both books AND Baskian!! You are the third person to tell me that tonight THANK YOU for sharing this feedback!!!!! I am beyond thrilled – I hoped he’d be well received, but with… well, YOU KNOW 😉 ♥
I stumbled over your series and totally loved them!!! I have a brand new series to read… and
Already starving for the next one!!! Please keep em coming!!! 😄👏✌👍
*SQUEEZE HUG* Aww, thank you for this note and I’m delighted you loved them and are looking forward to more!! I will let you know here when Tara’s book goes Live!♥♥♥